Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Earth Guardians at the AREDAY Conference in Aspen

Xiuhtezcatl meets James Cameron Director of  Avator
Dear friends, The AREDAY conference we attended in Aspen Colorado was over the top Awesome!  It impacted us in ways that we never expected. Inspiring and hopeful as well as tearful and heartbreaking. Listening to the incredible committed leaders who spoke at the AREDAY conference on Sunday... and who are really fighting for all of our children's future... gave us so much hope!

And listening to the facts from leading experts on where we are at right now globally pushed all of us in the room to make even stronger commitments, to work harder and faster to try and stop some of the devastation our children and future generations will suffer if we don't act now.  The movement to change the direction we are headed is growing stronger everyday as more and more people wake up to the fact that our children matter...  future generations matter... and that every choice we make everyday affects what their future will look like.

We made a lot of great connections and met so many people who we will work with as we build the energy for the iMatter kids-vs-global-warming March that will happen around the globe on Mothers Day of next year.  The message throughout the conference was a strong... one, on the importance of supporting our children in connecting with the Earth and learning to care for her in a way that many of us adults were never taught, as well as the importance of bringing Earth Education into our school systems...

Xiuhtezcatl and Louie Psihoyos Director of The Cove
Here are a couple of pics of some exciting moments... one of Xiuhtezcatl with James Cameron, the director of "The Avatar Movie", and Louie Psihoyos the director of Oscar winning movie "The Cove", he had a great connection with them both!  Warmly Tamara Rose Roske

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"Earth Guardians Hang out with Mayor Susan Osborne and her Grand Kids"

Earth Guardians and Mayor Susan Osborne at Ben and Jerrys
The Earth Guardian Youth had the honor of spending a fun afternoon hanging out with Mayor Susan Osborn of Boulder Colorado and her grand daughters who are visiting from Portland Oregon, yesterday August 13th 2010. 

She treated them all to some delicious Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream.  They hung out at the BandShell park and spent time talking about Earth Guardians and the work that they are doing to make a better world.  She is very proud of them and the positive impact they have had on the City of Boulder.  Her grand daughters are also active and care about the Earth.

The Future Leaders of our City
They then walked over to the City Chamber where the Council meetings are held.  The Earth Guardians got to sit in the chairs of the Council Members and pretend they were running the City. The did a role call and then the session began. They proclaimed that every child in Boulder should have Chocolate every day of every year. You can watch the video of their session if you click on the you tube vids on the home page see What Mayor Susan Osborne had to say about that.

It was a really fun afternoon, and the Earth Guardians plan to work with Susan on some cool upcoming things. We will keep you all posted!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Another Win! Boulder voters won't decide on renewed Xcel franchise

A huge WIN!!!! A 20-year agreement between Xcel Energy and the city of Boulder will be allowed to expire at the end of the year, the Boulder City Council decided late Tuesday night, leaving voters this fall to decide whether to impose a tax on the utility while the city studies other options for its energy future.

My Earth Guardian crew and I gathered to rally and protest in downtown Boulder against signing another 20 year contract with Xcel, which would mean another 20 years of Coal.  We knew what a bad impact that would have on our future if we were to let that happen.  As my 7 year old brother put it to the Council "were going to be here to clean up the mess when your gone, and that job will be much easier if you helps us now by not signing the contract with Xcel"  Their were a lot of people and organizations who came out to say that they are ready for their City to be powered by renewable energy.

Their was a lot of exciting energy at the Rally as we chanted things like "No more Coal, its got to go".  Channel 7 news covered the story and a press conference that featured some real inspiring leaders in our community. After the Press Conference over 200 people gathered in the Council chamber for the Xcel hearing.  Seven of us Earth Guardians spoke out in front of the Council for our future.  I told the Council that "our generation will be most effected by the decisions that are made tonight regarding the contract with Xcel".  We asked the Council to have courage and think of the positive impact they could have if 
they didn't sign the contract, like leaving our generation a better world or being a leader of a clean energy to power our City for the rest of the world to follow.

We were excited when we saw the headlines of the Paper the next morning - "Boulder voters won't decide on renewed contract with Xcel franchise".  AnotherWin!!!  thanks to the hard work and the united effort of the people of Boulder.

Read more: Boulder voters won't decide on renewed Xcel franchise - Boulder Daily Camera

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Earth Guardian youth,  local organizations and individuals will be joining forces next Tuesday, August 3rd at City Council to rally and to speak out about an issue that seriously affects us all... the re-signing of the 20 year contract with Xcel.  The E.G. youth will be asking the City Council to have Courage and to lead the way by voting to use available renewable energy to power our City.  

The Earth Guardians will remind the Council that theirs, and future generations will be affected the most by climate change, and that the time is NOW to move away from fossil fuels that are jeopardizing their future.  So bring your family and friends to rally in support of renewable energy.  Together our voice will let the decision makers of our community know that we want our City to be powered with Clean Energy!  Your presences makes a difference. 

WHEN: Tuesday, August 3rd, 2010
WHERE: Municiple Building on the SW corner of Broadway and Canyon.
EARTH GUARDIAN YOUTH ARRIVE AT:  4:00pm to get in line to speak
T-shirts and some signs will be provided for use during the event, but please feel free to bring your own. Spread the word! Bring friends and family!For more information on the 20-year franchise agreement with Xcel and alternative paths forward, see: